Bugcheck 0x000000c5

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Here are the results from my Event Veiwer and sigverif.exe

  1. Bugcheck D1
  2. Bugcheck 0x00000a

Bug check dump files When a bug check occurs, a dump file may be available that contains additional information about the contents of memory when the stop code occurred. To understand the contents of memory during a failure, knowledge of processor memory registers and assembly is required. Blue screen 0x000000c5 is a serious code error that causes the computer to shut down. When the computer shuts down, you will only see a blue screen and text telling you about the error. This means that there is a serious error in the kernel.

Bugcheck 0x00000c2
Event Type: Error
Event Source: System Error
Event Category: (102)

Bugcheck D1

Event ID: 1003
Bugcheck 0x000000c5Date: 8/7/2007
Time: 12:35:46 PM
User: N/A
Computer: DAN-XP
Error code 100000c5, parameter1 05658864, parameter2 00000002, parameter3
00000000, parameter4 8054b38f.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 53 79 73 74 65 6d 20 45 System E
0008: 72 72 6f 72 20 20 45 72 rror Er
0010: 72 6f 72 20 63 6f 64 65 ror code
0018: 20 31 30 30 30 30 30 63 100000c
0020: 35 20 20 50 61 72 61 6d 5 Param
0028: 65 74 65 72 73 20 30 35 eters 05
0030: 36 35 38 38 36 34 2c 20 658864,
0038: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 00000002
0040: 2c 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 , 000000
0048: 30 30 2c 20 38 30 35 34 00, 8054
0050: 62 33 38 66 b38f

Event Type: Error
Event Source: System Error
Event Category: (102)
Event ID: 1003
Date: 8/6/2007
Time: 11:38:19 PM
User: N/A
Computer: DAN-XP
Error code 100000c5, parameter1 00000000, parameter2 00000002, parameter3
00000001, parameter4 8054b539.

Bugcheck 0x00000a

For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 53 79 73 74 65 6d 20 45 System E
0008: 72 72 6f 72 20 20 45 72 rror Er
0010: 72 6f 72 20 63 6f 64 65 ror code
0018: 20 31 30 30 30 30 30 63 100000c
0020: 35 20 20 50 61 72 61 6d 5 Param
0028: 65 74 65 72 73 20 30 30 eters 00
0030: 30 30 30 30 30 30 2c 20 000000,
0038: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 00000002
0040: 2c 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 , 000000
0048: 30 31 2c 20 38 30 35 34 01, 8054
0050: 62 35 33 39 b539

Event Type: Error
Event Source: System Error
Event Category: (102)
Event ID: 1003
Date: 8/6/2007
Time: 11:29:41 AM
User: N/A
Computer: DAN-XP
Error code 100000c5, parameter1 00000085, parameter2 00000002, parameter3
00000001, parameter4 8054b407.


For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 53 79 73 74 65 6d 20 45 System E
0008: 72 72 6f 72 20 20 45 72 rror Er
0010: 72 6f 72 20 63 6f 64 65 ror code
0018: 20 31 30 30 30 30 30 63 100000c
0020: 35 20 20 50 61 72 61 6d 5 Param
0028: 65 74 65 72 73 20 30 30 eters 00
0030: 30 30 30 30 38 35 2c 20 000085,
0038: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 00000002
0040: 2c 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 , 000000
0048: 30 31 2c 20 38 30 35 34 01, 8054
0050: 62 34 30 37 b407

Event Type: Error
Event Source: System Error
Event Category: (102)
Event ID: 1003
Date: 8/6/2007
Time: 3:24:01 AM
User: N/A
Computer: DAN-XP
Error code 100000c5, parameter1 00000085, parameter2 00000002, parameter3
00000001, parameter4 8054b407.


For more information, see Help and Support Center at
0000: 53 79 73 74 65 6d 20 45 System E
0008: 72 72 6f 72 20 20 45 72 rror Er
0010: 72 6f 72 20 63 6f 64 65 ror code
0018: 20 31 30 30 30 30 30 63 100000c
0020: 35 20 20 50 61 72 61 6d 5 Param
0028: 65 74 65 72 73 20 30 30 eters 00
0030: 30 30 30 30 38 35 2c 20 000085,
0038: 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32 00000002
0040: 2c 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 , 000000
0048: 30 31 2c 20 38 30 35 34 01, 8054
0050: 62 34 30 37 b407

The sigverify.exe output says
................... ........................................
.................. ................. ..................
Name In Folder Modified
File Type Version
................... ........................................
.................. ................. ..................
stdole2.tlb c:windowssystem32 3/8/1999 TLB
File 2.40.4275.1
fasttrak.sys c:windowssystem32drivers 6/11/2002 SYS File
pcouffin.sys c:windowssystem32drivers 5/18/2007 SYS File

Thanks for helping me with this problem.
Do you want a full msinfo report ?
What other information do you need to help me solve the Stop C5's ?
Thanks so much !
Dan McGarigle
El Segundo, CA, USA

'nass' wrote:

> 'Dan McGarigle' wrote:
> > When my XP SP2 with all updates system goes through shutdown the I now get
> > a Stop 0X0000C5 blue screen andthen the system always restarts, even tho I
> > want it to shut down.
> > I used the Debugging tools and examined the mini dump. It says
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Built by: 2600.xpsp_sp2_gdr.070227-2254
> > Kernel base = 0x804d7000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x8055a620
> > Debug session time: Mon Aug 6 03:15:40.125 2007 (GMT-7)
> > System Uptime: 0 days 9:10:16.192
> > Loading Kernel Symbols
> > ...............................................................................................................................................
> > Loading User Symbols
> > Loading unloaded module list
> > ...................................
> > ***********************************************************
> > *
> > *
> > * Bugcheck Analysis
> > *
> > *
> > *
> > ***********************************************************
> >
> > Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
> >
> > BugCheck 100000C5, {85, 2, 1, 8054b407}
> >
> > Probably caused by : Pool_Corruption ( nt!ExDeferredFreePool+156 )
> >
> > Followup: Pool_corruption
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > But the command ' !analyze -v ' returns nothing.
> >
> > How do I stop the Stop 0x000000C5's ?
> It is likely a bad driver for either your Sound card or DVD?.
> Have a look in the event viewer for error messages(X) and post them back in
> your next post.
> HOW TO: View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308427/en-us
> How to use the special pool feature to isolate pool damage
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/188831/EN-US/
> Do you have a SoundBlaster sound card installed on your system?.
> http://search.microsoft.com/results.aspx?q=error+000000c5&qsc0=0&SearchBtn0=Search&FORM=QBME1&l=1&mkt=en-US&PageType=99
> Perform these cleaning steps and see if any improvement :
> 1... First, try to clean up your caches, Internet files and delete cookies
> by doing this:
> Click Start >> Control Panel >> Double click Network and Internet
> Connections >> Double click Internet Options.
> On the IE properties windows you will see these Taps:
> General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs |
> Advanced
> Under General Tab clear your History, Internet Files and Cookies.
> Then click on Advanced tab and scroll down to under the Browsing Option:
> [&] Browsing
> [ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest) uncheck this box.
> Then click on Programs Tab and click Manage Add-Ons and Disable all non
> Verified Add-Ons (You should Renable them later one-by-one and see the
> culprit and update it or remove it.
> How to manage Add-Ons:
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/883256
> 2... You need to be sure your system is clean from malware and Viruses by
> scanning for them
> Scan for malware from here:
> http://onecare.live.com/site/en-gb/default.htm?s_cid=sah
> http://onecare.live.com/standard/en-gb/default.htm
> http://www.lavasoft.com/products/ad-aware_se_personal.php
> http://www.safer-networking.org ; for Spybot S&D
> =How to perform a clean boot procedure to prevent background programs from
> interfering with a game or a program that you currently use
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/331796
> 3... You may have a bad RAM try to test your RAM by running Memtest by
> downloading this tool and unzip it and make a floppy or CD/DVD and run it on
> Reboot.
> http://www.memtest86.com/
> You may need to reposition/reset the RAM sticks in their slots.
> HTH.
> Let us know.
> Regards,
> nass
> ----------
> www.nasstec.co.uk

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