Rexband Jesus Youth

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  1. I gave him the newsletter (with the cover story featuring RexBand); talked about Jesus Youth, the Jubilee of RexBand and requested his blessings. During he audience, He reminded us “the act of Charity is not simply almsgiving to ease one’s conscience, but rather a “loving attentiveness towards the other” and a desire to share friendship.
  2. This is the new song from the new album 'SONRISE'.
  3. We pray that this will be an inspiration for all the catholic bands and Jesus Youth music ministries to reach out far and wide. Do continue to keep our ministry in your prayers. Also remember our upcoming concerts in UK, Ireland, North East of India and the Middle East this year. In Jesus,- Shelton Pinheiro, Co-ordinator, Rexband.
  1. Jesus Youth Rex Band
  2. Jesus Youth Rex Band Members
  3. Rex Band Songs Jesus Youth
  4. Rex Band Jesus Youth

SONRISE, is a unique combination of Catholic Music that praises God and delights the listener. Written by a very talented and deeply faithful group of Cathol.

Manoj Sunny, a Jesus Youth International leader, had visited Rome. Here is what he had to say:

Dear Friends,

Jesus Youth Rex Band


Jesus Youth Rex Band Members

I had the privilege of meeting Holy Father Pope Francis yesterday during the international conference organised by the Pontifical Council ‘Cor Unum’ to mark the tenth anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s first encyclical ‘Deus Caritas Est’. It came as a real surprise for me. I gave him the newsletter (with the cover story featuring RexBand); talked about Jesus Youth, the Jubilee of RexBand and requested his blessings.

During he audience, He reminded us “the act of Charity is not simply almsgiving to ease one’s conscience, but rather a “loving attentiveness towards the other” and a desire to share friendship with God. He continued “How I wish that everyone in the Church, every institution, every activity would show that God loves man…this mission is of utmost importance because, not with words, but with concrete love it can make every person feel loved by the Father, loved as his son or daughter and destined for eternal life with him”.

Rex Band Songs Jesus Youth

God Bless, Manoj

Rex Band Jesus Youth

Also, he got to meet Pope Francis!

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