Usr Tables In Sap Security

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SAP Security Tables AGR

The following are the important tables are used in SAP that starts with AGR. In our previous training tutorials we have learnt about tables of user master record.

Review changes to table AUTH for new fields and table TOBJ for new objects. Determine if all users have been assigned to a group. (Table USR02) 37. Determine that the SAP. profile has a user master record and that SAP. has had its password changed and added to the SUPER group.

You can view tables in SAP by using transaction code “SE16”.

Table USR40 - Specifying Impermissible Passwords Created by Former Member on Mar 09, 2013 You can prevent users from choosing passwords that you do not want to allow. To prohibit the use of a password, enter it in table USR40. List of SAP Security Tables USR. table contains user master information. AGR. tables contains data about roles. USH. table has chan. SAP R3 Security Important Tables USR. t able contains user master information. AGR. tables contains data about roles. USH. table has change documents information. USR02 is a SAP table coming under BC module and SAPBASIS component.View details, Fields & related tables of USR02. Table description: Logon Data (Kernel-Side Use).

Table AGR 1251

Table AGR_1251 is used to check the authorization data of roles. It provides the details of role name, menu id for BIW, authorization object in user maser maintenance, authorization name in user master record, variant for profile, field name of an authorization, High and low authorization values, object status, note id , etc.

TABlE AGR_1252

It is used to view the details of organization data for roles. It provides the details of role name, menu id, profile generator of organization levels and authorization values.


This table is used to view the roles assigned to users. It provides various details of role name, user name in master record, user validity period, assignment that comes form hr organization management, assignment from composite role. etc.


This table is used to view the profile that defined for roles. It provides the details of role name, profile name, profile text in user master record.


User Tables In Sap Security

This table provides details of menu for a role. It contain the fields of role name, object is, parent id, Customized (‘C’) or standard menu (‘S’) flag, Counter for Menu ID, Report type and program name.


The table agr_time provides the details of change of date and time for a role, it contains the fields of role name, time stamp for role, user name, last date and time change and changed by.

and there are some important tables like AGR_AGRA, AGR Define, AGR OBJ, AGR_PROF, AGR_TCDTXT and so on.


Starting with Security in SAP, you may consider the following list of main SAP Security Transaction Codes including Security management in SAP for People and Process.?

SAP Security Tcodes

To keep sample, here the list of SAP Security Transaction Codes :

SAP TcodesDescription
PFCGFor maintaining role using profile generator.
PFUDFor Comparing User master in Dialog.
RZ10Profile configuration
RZ11Maintain profile parameters
SCC8Data exhange happens at operating system level
SCC9For data exchange over the network and remote client copy between clients in different systems.
SCCLFor Local Client Copy on same system between different clients.
SE43Maintain and display Area Menus
SE84Information System for SAP R/3 Authorizations
SECRAudit Information System
SM01For locking the transaction from execution.
SM02System Messages
SM04User Overview
SM12Display and Delete Locks
SM13Display Update Records
SM19Security audit – configuration.
SM20Security audit – reporting.
SM21System Log
SM30For creation of table authorization groups and for maintaining assignments to tables
SM35Batch Input Monitoring
SM50Work Process Overview
SM51List of SAP Servers
SM59Display/Maintain RFC Destinations
SMLGMaintain Logon Group
ST01System Trace
ST02Setups/Tune Buffers
ST05Performance trace
ST11Display Developer Traces and error log files
ST22ABAP/4 Runtime Error Analysis
STMSTransport Management System
SU01To create and maintain the users.
SU01DTo Display Users
SU02For Manual creation of profiles.
SU03For Manual creation of authorization.
SU05Maintain Internet Users
SU10For mass maintenance.
SU20Lists down?the authorization fields.
SU21Lists the Object classes and authorization objects.
SU24For Maintaining Check Indicators and for Maintaining templates.
SU25For initial Customer table fill.
SU3For setting Address and default parameters.
SU53To display last authority check that failed
SU56Display User buffer
SUGRMaintain User groups
SUIMUser Information System
SUPCFor generation of Mass profile

Source: List of ABAP-transaction codes related to SAP security

Agr And User Tables In Sap Security

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